I received this devotion this morning and wanted to share:
Are You A Big Deal??
To your family, that is. Sure, people may know you. They may know about you. They may be aware of something fancy you did. That's all fine and good. There's nothing wrong with people thinking you are special.
But when you walk through the door to the place where you call home, do the people who live with you think you hung the moon? When you go visit your parents, sibling, nieces or nephews, do they smile when they see your face? When you kiss your spouse at the end of the day, do they know they are loved?
This year, my firstborn will turn 11. Before he entered my world in 1999, I had no idea how unexplainable and unimaginable the love I'd have for him would be. It is truly something that I wouldn't trade for anything.
It doesn't matter how many people read my blog. It doesn't matter if someone thinks I've hung the moon because I extended forgiveness. It doesn't matter if someone enjoys my company. It doesn't matter if I shared something with a group and they had an a-ha moment.
While I like that people read my blog and think I'm nice and enjoy my company and think that I have something important to say, there is one thing that is more important.
My family. I want to be a big deal to them.
Scripture Of The Day: "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children." - Proverbs 13:22a (NKJV)
Author: Cindy Beall
This article made me think about myself and my role as a mother, wife and friend. It does not matter how many people I help or the accomplishments I made that day, if I cant be that strength or shoulder to lean on for my family then it means nothing. I have found that I am lacking in some areas, but this article has made me realize that even in my failures that I am still a BIG DEAL!
by: Tina, wife to Carl and mommie to Carleon, Cazine and Carena