Come Let Us Reason (CLUR) is a faith based, non for profit organization designed to improve the quality of living of individuals, couples and families through the preached word of God. Our chief goal is to equip families and others with the tools needed to successful triumph over life’s obstacles and reach heaven as their final destination.
• CLUR will be located in North St Louis County, Missouri (NSTL.)
• CLUR’s chief manager Carl Wilson, MA, RASAC II. Brother Wilson is a 12 year veteran of the United States Army and is a highly qualified leader and skillful organizer. Brother Carl is charismatic, gifted and talented in areas of recruitment, organization and leadership. Brother Carl has a tremendous passion for God's Word coupled with a love for God's people. Brother Carl’s unique storytelling includes funny anecdotes that relate practical truths for everyday living has made him a favorite for regular gatherings.
Background Information
Carl has completed a degree in Counseling and Applied Psychology. He has completed a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Southwestern College in Kansas and Master of Arts from Missouri Baptist University with a Master’s in License Professional Counseling.
He has spent the last 12 years serving his country and preaching the uncompromising word of God without reservation. Brother Carl’s unique storytelling includes funny anecdotes that relate practical truths for everyday living has made him a favorite for regular gatherings.
The Wilson’s have considers themselves as tent builders wherever they found themselves helping in the vineyard, always providing a significant role in church organization and growth. Brother Carl has served in positions that include Sunday School Teacher, Student Pastor, Counselor, Worship Leader, and Assistant to the Pastor. Sister Tina is an anointed soloist and spiritual mentor. She has also served as Choir Director, Sunday School Teacher, and Office Administrator.
As a dynamic ministry team, they are dedicated servants of God, working together to make a change in the lives of people.