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God Is Present When No One Else Is There!

This is an excerpt from Minister Darrick D. McGhee

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011
It’s a wonderful day to be a child of God. Have you ever experienced a lonely season? As a result of a loved one or close friend’s death, you now battle depression. As a result of financial hardships, you now worry about bill payments, your children’s necessities, enough food to eat or shelter from the cold.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep at night only to wake up and you were still crying? With so much pain on the inside, all day and all night you cry and moan. You lay on a pillow that is soaked from your tears. Family and friends wonder what is wrong, but none of them have the answer. In the midst of the storm and the rain, you found yourself seeking shelter.
Have you ever felt like everything you touched went wrong? While everyone around you seemed to blossom, your harvest appeared delayed and denied. Have you been there? Are you there now?
Today, I have been commissioned to come and minister to you.
When everything in life appears chaotic and uncertain, the enemy will always do his best to make you feel worse. When friends betray you, it is then that he enters in to keep reminding you of it. When your employment is being threatened, it is then that he enters in to keep reminding you of it. When yesterday left you wounded, today keeps you crying and tomorrow appears so far away, it is then that he enters in to keep reminding you of it. The enemy gets great joy out of seeing God’s children discouraged. What do you do when everything seems out of control? What do you do when everyone has walked away from you? Do you not know God has never vacated the premises? He has never abandoned you.
My friend, God Is Present When No One Else Is There! The Bible declares in Psalms 46:1 - God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Just when you want to give up, the presence of God is manifested. Just when you are about to lose your mind, the power of God intervenes. Just when you want to walk away from your ministry, the spirit of God strengthens you.
My brother, my sister, you are not alone. No matter what the enemy has spoken in your ear, the Lord has not nor will not leave you. The Bible declares in Hebrews 13:5 - …for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Beloved, God Is Present When No One Else Is There!
Think about the loneliest time(s) in your life. Think of the time(s) you felt alone in this crowded world. Think of the time(s) you wondered how you would make ends meet. Look at yourself now. You made it out of the lions den because of the love of God. Yes there were tearful days. Yes there were restless nights. Yes there were friends and family members who misunderstood you and your faith. In spite of it all, God was always there. He was there to comfort you when tragedy struck. He was there to give peace, when your mind experienced confusion. He was there to provide for you when unforeseen circumstances arose. He was there to reassure you when doubt entered in. At your lowest point, He was there. At the highest points in your life, He was there.
God Is Present When No One Else Is There!
Prayer for Today: Dear Lord, I want to thank You for never leaving me. Thank You for always being faithful. Your love for me keeps me going each day and I am grateful to You. In Jesus’ name … Amen!
Scripture Reading for Today: Proverbs 18:24
May God Bless you at Your point of need!


An Appointment With God-By Greg Laurie

Wanted to share this article that I found....hope you enjoy ~Tina

In addition to walking in harmony with God, Amos 3:3 provides another nuance of meaning. It also gives the idea of keeping an appointment. Did you know that you have an appointment with God? You do. It is there, written in eternity. In fact, God wants to meet with you on a regular basis.

I wonder just how many times each day God wants to speak to us and He can't get a word in edgewise? The Lord might say, "I have wanted to talk to you for a long time, but you are too busy. This morning, I wanted to talk to you, but you didn't have any time for me. You read the newspapers and watched TV and talked on the phone. You never opened the Word. You never prayed. At lunch, I tried to say something, but your prayer was so fast. Later, I tried to talk with you. You have been so busy. You have an appointment with me. Why don't you keep it?"

Remember how Adam had an appointment with God every day in the Garden of Eden? He would hear the voice of the Lord in the garden in the cool of the evening. One day, Adam missed that appointment because of sin. God said to Adam, "Where are you?"

I wonder if the Lord would say that to some of us each day: "Where are you? Where were you? I have been looking for you. I wanted to speak to you. I want you to walk with Me, and I want to walk with you."

Just imagine, the Creator of the Universe wants to spend time with you. Is there any appointment that is worth keeping more than this one?

Scripture Of The Day: "The Lord God called to Adam, 'Where are you?' " - Genesis 3:9

Greg Laurie serves as the Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California.

Mission Trip to Africa

Please keep me in your prayers, I am visiting Liberia Feb 6-28, 2011.

Albert & Tegeste Stewart Liberia

The Stewarts are products of the mission field. They were saved under the ministry of the late Missionary Denzil Bolton. Brother Stewart was assigned to Liberia in 1971 as a military advisor. They returned to the USA in 1976. The Stewarts received their missionary appointment to Liberia in 1982. Arriving in Liberia in 1984, they were assigned as pastor of the headquarters church. Brother Stewart was also assigned as National Missions Director. As National Missions Director he had the oversight of evangelism, church planting, organizing seminars, crusades and revivals. Presently, Brother Stewart serves as the National Field Superintendent. He has the oversight of 154 churches, 4 missions, 29 day schools and 1 Bible school. Sister Stewart serves as Bible school instructor and administrator of the Maranatha Bible School. Sister Stewart works closely with the Ladies Ministries as an advisor.

Brother Stewart also serves as the National Field Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church of Guinea. God has blessed the Liberian church to reach into this predominately Muslim nation. The church has been registered in Guinea. There are about 500 members and 5 preaching points in Guinea including the capital city of Conakry where there are about 75 members.


Have you ever thought just a wee little bit,
Of how it would seem to be a misfit,
And how you would feel if YOU had to sit,
On the other side of the desk?

Have you ever looked at the man who seemed a bum,
As he sat before you, nervous...dumb...
And thought of the courage it took to come,
To the other side of the desk?

Have you thought to yourself of his dreams that went
Of the hard, real facts of his every day,
Of the things in his life that make him stay,
On the other side of the desk?

Have you thought to yourself, “It could be I,”
If the good things of life had passed me by,
And maybe I’d bluster and maybe I’d lie,
From the other side of the desk?

Did you make him feel he was full of greed,
Make him ashamed of his race or creed,
Or did you reach out to him in his need,
To the other side of the desk?

May God give us wisdom and lots of it,
And much compassion and plenty of grit,
So that we may be kinder to those who sit,
On the other side of the desk?
