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Mission Trip to Africa

Please keep me in your prayers, I am visiting Liberia Feb 6-28, 2011.

Albert & Tegeste Stewart Liberia

The Stewarts are products of the mission field. They were saved under the ministry of the late Missionary Denzil Bolton. Brother Stewart was assigned to Liberia in 1971 as a military advisor. They returned to the USA in 1976. The Stewarts received their missionary appointment to Liberia in 1982. Arriving in Liberia in 1984, they were assigned as pastor of the headquarters church. Brother Stewart was also assigned as National Missions Director. As National Missions Director he had the oversight of evangelism, church planting, organizing seminars, crusades and revivals. Presently, Brother Stewart serves as the National Field Superintendent. He has the oversight of 154 churches, 4 missions, 29 day schools and 1 Bible school. Sister Stewart serves as Bible school instructor and administrator of the Maranatha Bible School. Sister Stewart works closely with the Ladies Ministries as an advisor.

Brother Stewart also serves as the National Field Superintendent of the United Pentecostal Church of Guinea. God has blessed the Liberian church to reach into this predominately Muslim nation. The church has been registered in Guinea. There are about 500 members and 5 preaching points in Guinea including the capital city of Conakry where there are about 75 members.