Welcome to Come Let Us Reason


You can make a difference in the life of a homeless veteran this holiday season!

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Each year, in advance of the holiday season, we reach out to the community to collect gift items for the veterans in shelters and living on the streets. This provides a homeless veteran with the opportunity to receive gifts such as new clothing, toiletries, gift cards, and other desired items. As a participant in the holiday Adopt-A-Vet program, you, your family, company, or organization can make a big difference to a veteran who is homeless!

You can make a difference today by donating hygiene items(zip lock bags with soap, face towels, deodorant, shaving cream and disposal shaving blades).

To Adopt-A-Veteran, please contact Carl Wilson via comeletusreason@clur.org for more information.

Your support this holiday season is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for sharing in the spirit of giving!

From all of us at
Come Let Us Reason

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